Beauty Secrets Revealed for the Face: Discover the Most Effective Aesthetic and Surgical Treatments

All aesthetic medicine and eye surgery, the gaze, not only, require hyper-specialization, and that is why at Sotherga, all of this area is handled by a hyper-specialized doctor, I would say truly a number one, who is Dr. Francesco Bernardini.

I wanted to ask you what are the most requested treatments, both in aesthetic medicine and in eye and gaze surgery?

Marco, first I wanted to say that it’s a pleasure to have been working with you at Sotherga for many years. I handle a very specialized area, while you manage all the laser and machinery aspects, so we complement each other greatly. As for my ultra-specialization, it’s quite a niche but significant, both for aesthetic medicine and surgery.

I can name three procedures that we see and treat most often here, which are definitely related to aesthetic medicine the G-Point Lift, a hyaluronic acid-based treatment that refreshes the area between the eyelids and the cheek naturally with a lifting effect rather than filling. It corrects both the infraorbital and nasolabial areas, as well as the center of the face, so it really focuses on the center of the face, allowing for an immediate result on the patient’s treatment bed in our office.

The other things that are worth mentioning include the lower blepharoplasty with the Eye-Lift technique, where we always aim for a lifting of the tissues, but importantly without altering the shape of the gaze, and last but not least, is the endoscopic surgery of the face dedicated particularly to the center of the face, focusing on the area around the eyes, without visible cuts because they are hidden behind the hairline. We achieve this effect by refreshing the entire face of the patient in a very pleasing manner.

Please remember, we have always believed in what we call “vertical expertise,” but specifically, this anatomical region requires hyper-specialization, a truly in-depth knowledge of all the procedures, not just surgical, but also those pertaining to aesthetic medicine. Therefore, one must turn to professionals who have handled thousands and thousands of cases and, unfortunately, also dealt with cases that have been previously operated on or treated three or four times by professionals who, let’s say, might have created less than pleasant situations.

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